Bachelor of Medicine and
Bachelor of Surgery (Graduate Entry)

Programme Features




The LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has nurtured generations of medical doctors through the provision of premium quality undergraduate medical education, primarily via the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme.  As a major medical training ground for the region with a global presence, HKUMed stays attuned to society’s medical service needs and addresses them with innovative solutions, such as the MBBS curriculum reform implemented in response to the changing social and professional landscapes, which has given rise to the most updated MBBS 140 Curriculum.


The 4-year Graduate Entry track in MBBS, namely the MBBS (Graduate Entry), is to open up pathways for degree holders with a keen interest and passion to join the medical workforce to receive medical training and obtain qualifications for practice in Hong Kong.  The track aims to attract not only local graduates but also those who had completed their first degrees outside Hong Kong but are eager to return to HK and contribute to the medical community and tackle the challenges of today’s public healthcare services.


After the completion of the Pre-Clinical Curriculum, students have the option to undergo intensive research training by conducting research projects supervised by top researchers or undertake the Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med]) programme.



The 4-year MBBS (Graduate Entry) upholds the same standards and requirements of the accredited 6-year MBBS curriculum.  It also shares the same goals and learning outcomes as the accredited MBBS programme, with the same ultimate objectives of producing doctors with demonstrated competence in the understanding and delivery of effective, humane and ethical medical care, and who are committed to life-long learning and are ready to proceed to specialist training.



4 Years






A 4-year Graduate Entry Track in MBBS

The MBBS (Graduate Entry) runs for four years, consisting of two core components: the Pre-Clinical Curriculum and the Clinical Curriculum.

The most updated curriculum, titled “MBBS 140 Curriculum”, adopts the “140+ CORE” as the backbone. All the teaching, learning and assessment activities in both the pre-clinical and clinical years are designed around the 140+ CORE, with “CORE” standing for “Common situations pertaining to Ordinary clinical settings, in which students are expected to acquire the Relevant knowledge, skills and behavior that are Essential for competent and ethical professional practices”. The 140+ CORE makes the medical curriculum more focused, integrated, practical and manageable.

Should students be keen to receive intensive research training, they have the option to undertake supervised research projects or apply to the Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med]) programme after the successful completion of the Pre-Clinical Curriculum.  The MRes(Med) study option allows students to complete two degrees in five years.



Year 1
Pre-Clinical Curriculum
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  • System-based Blocks
Year 2-4
Clinical Curriculum
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  • Clinical Foundation Block
  • General Clerkship
  • Assistant Internship
  • MBBS Elective
Optional year
Intensive Research Training
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  • Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med])
  • Supervised research projects

Admissions Information & FAQ

Application Details and Arrangements
HKUMed Admissions