Student Life & Scholarships

Life At HKUMed

Medical education has been at the heart of The University of Hong Kong since its establishment, and HKUMed has been a global leader in medical education and research throughout our 135+ years. Today we look forward to nurturing the next generation of healthcare professionals and leaders.

There are many support systems in place at HKUMed, from financial aids, modernised facilities, extensive advice to networks, enable students to join various local and overseas learning programmes, including clinical attachments, exchanges, service trips and study tours, in addition to the MBBS Enrichment Year. We strongly believe this well-rounded experience is essential to the personal and professional development of our students.


Student Wellness

HKUMed is determined to support student growth and whole-person development. A team of professional counsellors, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists are available on the Medical Campus to provide confidential, convenient and free clinical services to all HKUMed students.



These include individual counselling, consultation, crisis intervention, diagnostic assessment, group therapy, psychoeducational programmes, and brief psychotherapy. The Student Wellness Team also strives to help students thrive in the academic environment through its Peer Supporter Programme, as well as outreach activities and workshops designed to raise mental health awareness and strengthen resilience.




Academic Advising

Every undergraduate student at HKUMed is paired with an Academic Adviser. This adviser-advisee relationship lasts for the entire period of study, with the aim of providing the necessary support for your academic, career and life pursuits. These changes empower our students to think critically, explore available options, evaluate their progress and take personal responsibility for decision-making.

Dedicated advice and guidance also extend to Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery students planning their Enrichment Year or to students in other programmes undertaking overseas exchanges.



You can apply to live in any of the University of Hong Kong’s residential halls or colleges. From the castle-like University Hall to the modern colleges in the Jockey Club Student Village IV, there is always a place to call home. These residences, suiting a variety of tastes and interests, offer you more than simply a place to rest, but also create a unique community that nurtures residents’ social development, fosters global citizenship and stimulates intellectual discussion.

Among our residences, Madam S. H. Ho Residence for Medical Students and Patrick Manson Student Residence fall under the Faculty’s management. These two hall residences can accommodate a total of more than 280 places in single and shared rooms. Senior medical students undergoing clinical training are eligible to stay at these residences during specific specialty clerkships, as their proximity to the hospital allows more medical and nursing students to attend clinical training. Students residing there can also interact with and learn from HKUMed alumni through dedicated events.

In response to a growing student population at HKUMed, these two residences will be under redevelopment for increased capacity and modelized facilities. 700 places will be available to benefit more students after two phases of construction.

Student Organisations

Campus life at HKUMed is enriching, enjoyable and educational. You are free to engage with the HKUMed community in a wide range of activities, from social outings like hiking, to festive celebrations like Christmas parties or any seasonal events. You are welcome to take part in a supportive environment for holistic development during your time here.

In addition, the vast variety of student-run organisations at HKUMed enable you to explore the medical field beyond the classroom. These societies are open to all students within the Medical Faculty to foster a spirit of comradeship and professional unity among future healthcare professionals. You can also join other interest groups and student societies to engage with your peers, volunteer in healthcare-related activities, or simply have fun!


Charlotte Ma 

MBBS Student and President at the Asian Medical Students’ Association Hong Kong

“As the President of AMSAHK, I have had the privilege to work with a group of brilliant medical students united by the same mission and fuelled by the same passion. Through managing health advocacy projects that span from human rights to gender issues, including research and exchange, I worked with professionals in the field, various NGOs, and changemakers in our local community. It has reinforced my firm belief that medical students have the capacity to bring about meaningful change and work towards the betterment of societies.”


Student Ambassador Programme

As a member of the HKUMed family, you can join our Student Ambassador (SA) Programme to represent the Faculty and work alongside other highly motivated individuals. Additionally, the SA programme gives you a chance to improve your confidence through public speaking and develop your voice by creating social media content.

Our students are equally active beyond HKUMed. By participating in joint-university societies, they are exposed to various opportunities to interact with medical students and professionals from other institutions in the region, cultivate knowledge and serve the community.


Paco Yu  

MBBS Student and Student Ambassador

“Medical school life is rigorous and demanding, but it is always empowering to see many others with the same passion willing to rise to the challenge. As a Student Ambassador this year, I am glad to have organised many opportunities, from high table dinners to school visits, where I could connect with prospective students. It is an honor to be part of the journey of discovering their future potential as medical practitioners. Most importantly, they have also offered me fresh perspectives that have enriched my medical studies.”


Ronnie Jok

MBBS Student and Student Ambassador

“Deciding whether to study medicine and applying to medical school take time and effort. As a Student Ambassador, I am able to share my personal experience with prospective students and give advice from a student’s perspective regarding their application to HKUMed, helping them through the application process. I can connect with these prospective students, which not only helps them better understand the MBBS programme and life as a medical student, but also allows me to better understand the views of different people.”

Scholarships and Prizes

Scholarships and prizes are awarded to students as a reward for their outstanding academic achievements. This kind of  financial aid can mostly cover the tuition fee, accommodation expenses, enrichment activity and/or other expenses in university life. Students with financial difficulties are supported to pursue their studies and expand their ambitions.


All of this is made possible with the generous support from a large number of patrons and distinguished graduates.



Entrance Scholarships

Upon admission to HKUMed, a wide range of Entrance Scholarships is available to students with outstanding results in public examinations and to degree holders with excellent academic performance. To promote equal learning opportunities, support to underprivileged students is offered via Springboard Scholarships schemes. These schemes are often renewable annually within the normative study period, subject to satisfactory academic performance.


Enrichment Scholarships

Enrichment Scholarships aim to support students’ participation in service and humanitarian work, research attachments, exchange programmes or experiential learning activities. The value of this scholarship is based on a student’s academic merit and financial need. The learning value, duration, location of the activity and other factors will also be taken into account.



Every year, numerous prizes are offered HKUMed students, in recognition of their academic excellence and community engagement. Prizes are often awarded based on students’ exceptional performance in course assignments, essay writings, assessments, competitions, etc.


Financial Aid

Students in need of financial assistance to help cover the costs of their university education will find many options available to them. The University offers loans and bursaries for needy students in addition to the Government Loans and Grants, while HKUMed provides emergency loans to students under special circumstances.



FUNG Rex Wai Yiu – MBBS
Aspiration Foundation Second Chance Scholarship

“The Scholarship alleviated my financial burden of paying the tuition fee for my medical studies. This allowed me to spend my time with quality and in a meaningful way, rather than doing part-time work to support my finances. It did help me turn my goals into realities.”



MAK Ming Fong – BChinMed (left)
Rusy and Purviz Shroff Medical Springboard Scholarship 

“The Scholarship was a great help to me in covering my educational and daily expenses. It allowed me to concentrate more on my studies and devote some spare time to participate in the voluntary work of Chinese medical services for low-income and disabled patients. Thanks for the support and all things that came along to help me become the best version of myself.”



CHENG Chun Chit Eugene – MBBS (second from right)
Bau Tsu Zung Bau Kwan Yeu Hing Scholarship

“The award has tremendously reduced my financial burden and helped cover my living costs in Edinburgh. It has supported many of my senior medical fellows in pursuing their dreams in Enrichment Year and beyond. ”



CHEN Wing Yee Karina – BBiomedSc (front row, second from left)
Wong Ching Yee Medical Undergraduate Scholarship

“Being awarded this scholarship certainly marked a milestone in my academic life. It will also support my overseas exchange programme at the University of Edinburgh next year. This invaluable opportunity will enable me to experience different modes of learning and gain exposure to a new culture. The scholarship has certainly brought me closer to my future aspirations.”



TSANG Hoi Ching – BNurs (right)
Ares Leung Clinical Skills Prize in Emergency Nursing

“Thanks to the generous support of the scholarship, I had a great time gaining wider exposure to professional clinical skills and interdisciplinary collaboration. I was happy to see how each of us apply what we have learned and we always showed eagerness to discover the unknown.”



YUE Serena Ru Bing – MBBS (front row, left) 
W Hui and C Hui Student Support Grant

“The grant has enabled me more time to pursue academic interests as well as volunteer work without worrying about my financial burden. This is particularly meaningful to me because as a postgraduate studying medicine, there are more life responsibilities than a carefree undergraduate.”